John Tuller
President's Message
Press Release
As the newly elected President of the African
American Men of Westchester, I am committed to making a meaningful and
transformational difference in our diverse communities. I, along with the other
members of the organization, have been committed to ensuring the organization's
future success. While I am proud of my association with AAMW for over 20 years,
I am also devoted to improving the quality of life in our county.
The African American Men of Westchester organization
has vowed to create innovative and valuable solutions to societal problems
affecting all community members. Our partnerships with the individuals and
organizations we work with will allow us to remain focused in our efforts to
promote social inclusion and empowerment and empower communities to the fullest
extent of our ability by working together.
The support of our members and partnerships
with the community has been instrumental in ensuring the success of all of our
initiatives, including the advancement of education, healthcare, social
justice, environmental protection, economic development, diversity and
inclusion, and the mitigation of domestic violence.
With the help of all of you, we will be able to
achieve even greater success in the years ahead as we begin the next chapter in
our partnership, and I am committed to continuing that path with you all.